The ultimate men's health drink for optimal wellness and rejuvenation

NiceBro Superdrink

What can you benefit from drinking Nicebro?

Nicebro contains the three best ingredients and blends with high-quality arabica coffee that is good for your body. It could consume as your daily beverage; in the meantime, take advantage of the active ingredients inside. The main ingredients include oyster peptide, Polygonatum and okra extract.

Health Benefits of Oyster Peptides: Boosting Testosterone, Improving Erectile Function, and More

Oysters are rich in lean protein, vitamins, trace elements, taurine, and various nutrients specific to marine organisms. Apart from being a good nutrient source, oyster peptides are proven effective in increasing testosterone levels in men. Research studies suggest that oyster peptide could be a potential androgen-like dietary supplement to accelerate the elimination of fatigue and improve testosterone-deficiency symptoms after intensive training (Luo et al., 2021) [1].

Moreover, Erectile dysfunction (ED) has become a significant health problem for the global ageing population. Lurky oyster peptide beverage also aims to increase the contents of male mouse serum testosterone, which is known to play essential roles in erectile function and to improve the activity of mouse penile, which is closely associated with ED (Zhang et al., 2021) [2].

Other studies found that the prior administration of oyster peptide can boost the antioxidant capacity in vivo, modulating oxidative organ damage (Chen et al., 2022) [3]. More health benefits of oyster peptide include regulating blood lipids, improving immunity and stimulating metabolism.

Revolutionary Biotechnology: Retaining the Nutrients of Oysters in Lurky Oyster Peptides

Lurky oyster peptides can extract from fresh oysters into small molecules and retain the original nutrients of oysters, such as vitamins, trace elements, and taurine based on our innovative “peptide molecule” biotechnology. The oyster protein breaks down into nucleic acids more readily absorbed by the body than single amino acids or proteins through the modern bio-enzymatic hydrolysis process. Therefore, our oyster peptides have a higher bioavailability than normal oyster extract products.

A Convenient and Cost-Effective Way to Benefit from Oyster Nutrients

As we all know, high-quality oysters are expensive and smelly. It will pile up your living cost if you have them every day and aim to see the results with the ingredients. While you want to benefit from the nutrient of oysters, you would also like them to be cost-effective and easy to consume. Due to this demand, our expert R&D team has developed this oyster peptide coffee that satisfies the tastes and needs of consumers. We have continuously adjusted the taste and ingredient ratio over three years to provide an optimal experience for our consumers.

The Impressive Health Benefits of Solomon's Seal: A Potent Ayurvedic Herb

Also known as Solomon's seal, it is a genus of flowering plants. Solomon's seal is a potent Ayurvedic herb often used to treat various diseases, including kidney disorders, diabetes, and asthma. The impressive health benefits of Solomon's seal have made it one of the important herbs in Ayurveda.

Polygonatum has the following health benefits based on the scientific evidence (Cui et al., 2018) [4]:

  • It is a potent antioxidant agent and has an anti-aging effect.
  • It has an anti-fatigue impact as it can improve exercise endurance.
  • It affects immunity enhancement.
  • It has antibacterial effects and anti-inflammatory effects.
The Potential Health Benefits of Okra: A Nutrient-Dense Vegetable with Therapeutic Value

Okra is a popular vegetable crop with good nutritional significance, rich in vitamins, fibres and minerals, along with specific therapeutic values, making it a potential candidate for the use of various nutraceuticals.

The phytochemicals of okra have been studied for their potential therapeutic activities on various chronic diseases, such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular and digestive diseases, and the anti-fatigue effect (Elkhalifa et al., 2021) [5].

Okra is rich in antioxidants that may reduce your risk of serious diseases, prevent inflammation, and contribute to overall health. Most notably, it contains polyphenols that may contribute to heart and brain health. Research also suggests that okra may bind to cholesterol in your gut and lower blood cholesterol levels. And eating okra has been linked to blood sugar control. Yet, some research suggests that it may interfere with common diabetes medications (Person, 2019) [6].

Lurky Nicebro: A Super Drink for Anti-Fatigue, Sexual Reproduction, and Improved Immunity

Overall, Lurky Nicebro dedicates to men who always feel exhausted after hard work or intensive training, which can provide an overall effect on anti-fatigue. At the same time, the oyster peptides target improving sexual reproduction, which is suitable for those ready for a baby since the antioxidant capacity of oyster peptides can protect the sperm from oxidative damage in terms of improving sperm motility (Zhang et al., 2021) [2].

Women can also take advantage of this healthy beverage. The oyster peptide and coffee ingredients in the drink can help burn fat and accelerate metabolism. For those who have a habit of staying up too late, Lurky Nicebro can effectively relieve physical fatigue. It allows you to regain energy and stay in good spirits the next day. The content of oyster peptide and Polygonatum also can help improve the immune system from potential disease. Therefore, Nicebro is suitable for women to take in the long term.


[1] Luo, X. et al. (2021) “Synergistic effect of combined oyster peptide and ginseng extracts on anti-exercise-fatigue and promotion of sexual interest activity in male ICR mice,” Journal of Functional Foods, 86, p. 104700. Available at:

[2] Zhang, W. et al. (2021) “Enzymatic preparation of crassostrea oyster peptides and their promoting effect on male hormone production,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 264, p. 113382. Available at:

[3] Chen, H. et al. (2022) “Protective effect of oyster peptides derived from crassostrea gigas on intestinal oxidative damage induced by cyclophosphamide in mice mediated through nrf2-KEAP1 signaling pathway,” Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. Available at:

[4] Cui, X. et al. (2018) “A review: The bioactivities and pharmacological applications of polygonatum Sibiricum polysaccharides,” Molecules, 23(5), p. 1170. Available at:

[5] Elkhalifa, A.E. et al. (2021) “Okra (abelmoschus esculentus) as a potential dietary medicine with nutraceutical importance for Sustainable Health Applications,” Molecules, 26(3), p. 696. Available at:

[6] Person (2019) 7 nutrition and health benefits of Okra, Healthline. Healthline Media. Available at: (Accessed: February 28, 2023).