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Why High-Strength Omega-3 is Essential for Your Fitness Regimen

December 20, 2023 · Lurky Store

Introduction: The Importance of Fish Oil in Fitness

In the fitness world, while most people are aware of the need to supplement protein, the importance of fish oil is often underestimated. Here are some data from comparative studies that show clear differences in fitness results with and without fish oil supplementation:

Muscle Gain Comparison

Supplementing with fish oil can significantly increase muscle volume and strength. Research data shows that after 12 weeks of daily supplementation with 3 grams of fish oil, the fish oil group experienced a 14% increase in resting metabolic rate, a 10% increase in energy expenditure during exercise, a 19% increase in fat oxidation rate at rest, and a 27% increase during exercise. Additionally, thigh muscle volume increased by 3.6%, grip strength by 2.3 kg, and maximal repetitive strength of the limbs by 4%, with no changes in the control group. Further, after 8 weeks of taking 4 grams of omega-3, the muscle protein synthesis rate was 30% higher than in the control group.【1】【2】

Fat Loss Comparison

Studies have proven that fish oil can significantly assist in fat reduction. In 1997, one study showed that participants who replaced 6 grams of other fats with fish oil lost about 2 pounds within three weeks, while the control group lost only 0.6 pounds. Another study, involving 324 overweight and obese individuals on a low-calorie diet, revealed that male participants lost an average of 3.55 kg over 4 weeks, with those consuming fish or fish oil capsules losing an additional 1 kg.【3】【4】

The Principles Behind Fish Oil Fat Reduction

Fish oil aids fat reduction through several mechanisms:

  • Increasing Metabolic Rate: Omega-3 fatty acids boost basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure.
  • Regulating Blood Sugar & Insulin Sensitivity: Improved insulin sensitivity enhances glucose utilization and reduces fat storage.
  • Affecting Appetite-Regulating Hormones: Omega-3 influences hormones such as cholecystokinin to help reduce food intake.

Anti-inflammatory Effects & Recovery

Fish oil is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that reduces localized inflammation and muscle pain after exercise. One study found that long-term omega-3 supplementation resulted in significantly lower levels of delayed onset muscle soreness and inflammation 24–48 hours after high-intensity training.【5】

Reducing Cortisol

Omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the activation of adrenaline under stress, thereby reducing cortisol levels. A 2003 study showed that after a mental stress test, participants supplementing with 7.2 grams of fish oil per day had significantly lower increases in heart rate, blood pressure, energy expenditure, and cortisol levels compared to a control group.【6】

Heart & Joint Protection

Fish oil supports cardiovascular health; daily intake of 4 grams of high-purity EPA can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 25–34%. The American Heart Association recommends at least 1 gram daily. Additionally, consuming at least 3 grams of fish oil can help alleviate joint inflammation and pain, protecting joints during strenuous exercise.【7】


Fish oil supplementation offers significant benefits in muscle gain, fat loss, anti-inflammatory effects, cortisol reduction, and heart and joint protection. Incorporating fish oil into your fitness regimen can enhance overall performance and accelerate recovery.


  • 【1】 Logan, S.L. and Spriet, L.L. (2015) ‘Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for 12 weeks increases resting and exercise metabolic rate in healthy community-dwelling older females’, PLOS ONE, 10(12). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144828.
  • 【2】 Smith, G.I. et al. (2011) ‘Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in older adults: A randomized controlled trial’, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 93(2), pp. 402–412. doi:10.3945/ajcn.110.005611.
  • 【3】 Couet, C. et al. (1997) ‘Effect of dietary fish oil on body fat mass and basal fat oxidation in healthy adults’, International Journal of Obesity, 21(8), pp. 637–643. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0800451.
  • 【4】 Thorsdottir, I. et al. (2007) ‘Randomized trial of weight-loss-diets for young adults varying in fish and fish oil content’, International Journal of Obesity, 31(10), pp. 1560–1566. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803643.
  • 【5】 Tartibian, B., Maleki, B.H. and Abbasi, A. (2009) ‘The effects of ingestion of omega-3 fatty acids on perceived pain and external symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness in untrained men’, Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 19(2), pp. 115–119. doi:10.1097/jsm.0b013e31819b51b3.
  • 【6】 Delarue, J. et al. (2003) ‘Fish oil prevents the adrenal activation elicited by mental stress in Healthy Men’, Diabetes & Metabolism, 29(3), pp. 289–295. doi:10.1016/s1262-3636(07)70039-3.
  • 【7】 Bradberry, J. Chris, and Daniel E. Hilleman. (2013) “Overview of omega-3 Fatty Acid therapies.” P&T, 38(11), 681-691.

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